Cable Innovation

Significant Positive Change

Over the last decade people and companies have been using the term innovation freely as a buzzword without truly understanding the meaning or the actions of innovation. In VADD we do not use the word lightly, we define innovation as significant positive change, this is setting the bar high and it should be.

What does significant mean? Cable technologies have experienced tremendous significant positive changes over the last 30 years, motivating us all in VADD to continue the path in achieving excellence in everything we do.

Responding to the customer’s critical challenges in cable systems or interconnect applications deserves a qualified and professional response providing a solution set that meets the objective with reasonable economics.

With the largest and broadest cable technologies of any cable company, VADD have the capabilities from material science, resin and compounds, with a response to almost any complex application needing cable or a cable system.

Talk to a Vadd Expert about your requirements